The Park Today

Dublin City Council (DCC) has removed all of the grass and old railings from around Wolfe Tone Park. Most of the old headstones have been stacked against the south wall where they collect graffiti, litter and urine.


Headstone Furniture, Wolfe Tone Park ( Square), Dublin
Headstone Furniture, Wolfe Tone Park ( Square), Dublin
Headstone Furniture, Wolfe Tone Park ( Square), Dublin

Other headstones/tombstones act as paving slabs for Dublin Council workers and event promoters to park their vehicles upon.

Dublin City Council vandalise tombstones in Wolfe Tone Park (Square)

It is no surprise that these old tombstones are defaced and broken.

Dublin City Council vandalise tombstones in Wolfe Tone Park (Square)

The concrete benches have been 'tagged' by vandals. So too has the DCC construction container; a semi permanent feature that takes up a couple of car parking spaces - the remaining spaces snapped up early in the day by the non-paying council workers.

Dublin City Council 'mobile' toilets, a permanent feature at Wolfe Tone Park ( Square)

Dublin City Council grants permits allowing promoters to stage offensive musical, circus, and tacky carnival events in the park without any consideration for the residents living only 15m away.

WeAreDublin,Dublin At Christmas, Dublin Town, Wolfe Tone Park, not Square

Who needs grass and a park when Dublin City Council can provide you with a skip and a view of the fence concealing the Dublin Fringe Festival Ltd Spiegeltent?

However, the park is popular with unsuspecting tourists, emergency vehicles, thugs and the lucrative Dublin City Council car clamping operation.

Wolfe Tone Park (Square) popular with Dublin Clampers

Wolfe Tone Park ( Square) popular with street fightersWolfe Tone Park ( Square) popular with street thugsWolfe Tone Park ( Square) popular with street thugs

DCC and BID have demonstrated that they are unable to maintain Wolfe Tone Park. It is time for them to step out of the way as citizens, with no commercial interests, develop the space.

Wolfe Tone Park (Square) today Wolfe Tone Park (Square) today
Wolfe Tone Park (Square) popular with drunks. Wolfe Tone Park (Square) popular site for a DCC toilet
Wolfe Tone Park (Square) today Graffiti @ Wolfe Tone Park (Square) today Neglect @ Wolfe Tone Park (Square) today

Wolfe Tone Park Community

Wolfe Tone Park

The Wolfe Tone Park Community is a non-commercial community-based initiative established to protect Wolfe Tone Park.

  Full Restoration of Wolfe Tone Park as a non-commercial green space  (c.2017)

  Protect the park from commercial targeting  (2016)

  Protect the park from DCC/BID 'Tram Cafe' proposal  (on-going)

  Monitor any proposals or plans for the park  (on-going)

  Protect the park from 2017 DCC/BID 'Frankenstein' renovation (on-going)

  Inclusion of Park Restoration in Dublin City Draft Development Plan 2016-2022  (16-Sept-15)

  Prevent commercial vehicles from parking in the public space (21-Dec-15)

  Secure the Park Status of Wolfe Tone Park (not Square) (21-Dec-15)

  Prevent amplified music festivals taking place in the park  (01-Nov-15)

  Removal of DCC 'mobile' staff toilets from west side of the park  (15-Oct-15)

  Removal of BID/DublinTown kiosks from within the park  (01-Oct-15)

  Removal of commercial furniture from within the park  (10-Nov-15)

  Prevent Dublin City Council vehicles from vandalising old tombstones around the park  (16-Sept-15)

  Establish direct contact with DCC management regarding park condition & neglect  (01-July-15)


The Battle Continues Over The Future Of Wolfe Tone Park

In recent months, the Wolfe Tone Park community has upped its campaign to have the cold, concrete space returned to its previous state: a pleasant, welcoming green oasis for the city. And so far, the group – which is made up of residents of the Wolfe Tone Street/Jervis Street area – has had some success. more »

Tone Deaf

After years of Dublin City Council (DCC) vandalism and neglect, its senior management has conceded that the current layout of Wolfe Tone Park has not worked, and redevelopment is being considered.
But are DCC capable of appropriately redeveloping the park; and, can they be trusted to? more »

A Community Group Struggles To Revive Wolfe Tone Park

Everyone agrees that Wolfe Tone Park needs a bit of TLC. Home to the council’s portable staff toilets, its hard, dull appearance does little to entice people in. Now, because of worries about its future, the local residents have formed the Wolfe Tone Park Community group. more »

Turn 'hostile' Wolfe Tone plaza into a park again, says councillor Mannix Flynn.

THE former park at Wolfe Tone Square should be restored as a green space featuring its ancient grave stones, a city councillor has argued. more »

Dublin anti-Bid drive claims 500 signatures against ‘double tax’ Petition attracts backing from local business.

Hundreds of businesses have signed a petition protesting the “double taxation” imposed by mandatory payments to the Dublin Business Improvement District (Bid) and seeking a means to leave the organisation. The BID, established in 2007 is branded “We Are Dublin Town”. more »

Park Life

Green spaces are often converted to ‘hard’ spaces as local authorities find them easier to maintain. Eyre Square and Wolfe Tone park are unfortunate manifestations of the tendancy. more »




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